As soon as I could read, visits to the library ended with me teetering under a tower of picture books. I wrote my first picture book at age ten, wrapping the cover in clear plastic just like books from the library. Funny!
In high school, I published my first articles as part of the Youth Editorial Board at the Baltimore Jewish Times. I wrote essays and portraits of local celebs, conducting my first interviews and carrying a press pass to attend events. Cool!
After graduating from University of Massachusetts of Amherst, I moved to Manhattan and balanced working full-time while freelance writing. My articles covering bridal trends and interviewing designers were published across the nation. Yay!
The biggest event of my life (so far) led me right back to my childhood dream. I gave birth to triplets, read to them, and fell in love with picture books all over again! I continue to freelance writing and editing while also working towards the goal of, one day, borrowing my own books from the library. I can’t wait to feel their smooth, plastic wrappings and hear them crinkle when I open their covers. The words will tumble off the pages, inspiring wonder and igniting imaginations. Fingers crossed!
*Claim to Fame
I was featured in Buzzfeed’s “Jewish Moms Try Each Other’s Brisket” video (over 3.5 million views) and, yes, I cooked a brisket and carried it on a New Jersey Transit train to Manhattan.